Contact Us
The Art Gallery of York University (AGYU)
Keele Campus
4700 Keele St.
Toronto ON M3J 1P3 Canada
General telephone line: +416.736.5169
General email: AGYU[at]
Staff List
Jenifer Papararo | Director/Curator | papararo[at]
Felicia Mings | Curator | mings[at]
Lillian O’Brien Davis | Curator of Collections and Contemporary Art Engagement | obrienda[at]
Clara Halpern | Assistant Curator, Exhibitions | clarajh[at]
Michael Maranda | Assistant Curator, Publishing | mmarand[at]
Allyson Adley | Education and Community Engagement Coordinator | aadley[at]
Maria Won | Gallery Administration Assistant | mwon11[at]
Shiann Croft | YCW Communications Assistant | scroft[at]
Advisory Committee
The AGYU Advisory Committee acts as an advisory body to the gallery and the University on matters of art acquisitions, strategy, and public relations within the internal University, as well as the Greater Toronto Area arts and business communities, in accordance with the AGYU’s mission and mandate and with the relevant university policies and procedures.
Warren Crichlow, Chair (Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Education, York University)
Mari Spirito, Vice Chair (Director and Founder, Protocinema, Istanbul and New York)
Sarah Bay-Cheng (Dean, School of the Arts, Media, Performance, and Design [AMPD], York University)
Mary Bunch (Associate Professor, Cinema & Media, AMPD, York University)
Kareem Bennett (Artist, York University Student)
Priyanka Debnath (Chief of Staff, York University)Joan Goldfarb (Artist, Art Collector and Philanthropist)
Sean Hillier (Co-director, Indigenous Council and Assistant Professor, Department of Health, York University)
Naomi Johnson (Director, ImagineNative, Toronto)
Rhonda Lenton (President and Vice-Chancellor, York University)Krys Verrall (Artist and instructor, Department of Humanities, LA&PS, York University)
Brandon Vickerd (Professor and Chair, Department of Visual Art and Art History, AMPD, York University)
Acquisitions Committee
The primary function of the University Art Acquisition Committee (UAAC) is to determine whether proposed artwork donations to the University’s collection meet the University’s objectives with respect to teaching and research and are of appropriate quality and significance.
Jenifer Papararo (Director/Curator, AGYU)
Lillian O’Brien Davis (Curator of Collections and Contemporary Engagement, AGYU)
Carlyle Farrelle (Associate Professor, Global Management Studies Department, Toronto Metropolitan University)
Tammer El-Sheikh (Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Art History, York University)
Suzanne Morrissette (Assistant Professor, OCAD University)
Susana Gajic-Bruyea (Vice President, Advancement, York University)
Len Milley (Associate Director, Advancement, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, York University)
Anna Hudson (Professor, Graduate Program in Art History, Department of Visual Art & Art History, York University)
Archer Pechawis (Assistant Professor, Visual Art & Art History, York University)